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Whether you're needing some journal prompts, mindful relaxation exercises or a gift for someone who could use a pick-me-up, these Extras might be just the thing.


Browse through the collection and see if there is anything that might fit for you. If there is something you'd like me to create that you don't see, please send me a message and I'll do my best to make it happen!

25 Ways to Calm Your Mind When Your Life's a Sh*tshow: Survival Strategies for Busy Moms

It's so hard being a parent. We really do have days when we feel like we're losing our minds. It can feel like our life is an absolute shitshow!


This book contains 25 practical and simple strategies that can help you regain your composure in those moments when you feel like you're losing it. It is a survival guide for anyone who wants to feel more present with their kids and get back to actually enjoying this time.


This would be a great gift for any mom (or dad) who needs to be reminded that it's ok to look after her(him)self too. In fact, it's crucial in order for them to be the parent they ultimately want to be.

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Starting Points: 6 Therapy Session Topics to Help You Heal

This self-guided ebook and workbook are for anyone who would like to do some pre-therapy journal work. Topics include Managing Difficult Emotions, Relationships, and Confidence and Self-Esteem.


This is a low cost option for people who might not know if therapy is for them and want to dip their toes in.


Also available in my Shop.

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Relaxing Floral Coloring Book: For When Your Life's a Sh*itshow

Colouring has been proven to reduce anxiety and stress. I find it very relaxing and hope that you will too!


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The Mom Journal: For When Your Life's a Sh*tshow

This sweary journal is perfect for moms who need a minute to themselves. It's full of encouragement and nourishing acknowledgement of the struggle that being a busy, overwhelmed mom can be. I get it. I was there too.


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My Notes Notebooks

This notebook has a beautiful interior with a coloured top border and wide ruled lined pages. It's perfect for journaling or jotting down things you need to remember. It's a lovely gift too! Two designs available.



My Notes Notebooks

This simple notebook is so cute. It's perfect for journaling or giving as a gift to someone you care about. It makes a great stocking stuffer! 3 designs available.

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©2023 by Truepath Consulting

"Renee is masterful in blending psychology and spirituality to meet you where you are so you can pursue your higher self's path.  I look forward to our sessions and LOVE the bonus tarot readings!" - MD

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